"When any government, or any church for that matter,
undertakes to say to its subjects,

'This you may not read,
this you must not see,
this you are forbidden to know,'

the end result is tyranny and oppression,
no matter how holy the motives.

Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked;

contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man,

a man whose mind is free.

No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything--you can't conquer a free man;

the most you can do is kill him."

--Robert A. Heinlein

Note: I do not accept advertising or other commercial messages via e-mail.

The presence of my e-mail address on these pages is not an invitation to send me your junk e-mail (AKA "spam"). I firmly believe that junk e-mail is theft, and I steadfastly refuse to do business with anyone who chooses to abuse my inbox with their junk. Should you choose to send me junk e-mail, be prepared - your postmaster or sysadmin will be hearing from me!

Please don't spam me or anyone else with your unwanted junk advertising (which includes any advertising that I didn't specifically contact you and ASK for!) - you won't like the results.



John Groseclose

I'm an incurable addict to technology, and I've been using computers in general since 1978. I was the operator of a BBS in the Phoenix area from 1980-1982, taught myself DOS, bought a Mac, and continue to work with technology whenever possible. For about five years I'd been specializing in Macintosh internetworking, including making them talk to Novell, UNIX, and AS/400 servers. A while back, I purchased an AlphaStation and installed Linux on it. It was my primary Internet connection, as well as handling file and printer services for the rest of my network, until it decided to crash so hard that even the BIOS prompts won't come up... It had been replaced with a SPARCStation 20, dual processors, lots of RAM. Then it was an Ultra-10 - the dot-bombs were good to us hardware collectors!

In the past, I've been a lifeguard, a tutor, a Radio Shack sales clerk, an Electrolux vacuum-cleaner salesman, chief engineer of a small college radio station in California, a Resident Life Assistant (for a lot of exchange students!), an instructor for a national chain of computer stores, an analyst/consultant for Sprint Paranet, a systems engineer for PAR Technologies, a product manager for iREZ Technologies, LLC's "Kritter" line of digital cameras, Genuity/L3, IBM, and now I'm doing UNIX/DNS architecture and consulting.

Of late, I've been getting back into photography, and I've completely divested myself of all of my 35mm film hardware in favor of a Nikon D80. I'm still shooting some film, mostly medium format on my Holga, but occasionally on other (rented) cameras.

My resume is available for perusal here.

I am an active member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. Watch this page for more information about the SCA, as I will be installing links to other SCA sites. I'll also be HTMLizing my "Quick and Dirty Great Kilt" file (seen many times on rec.org.sca) and adding pictures to make it a little easier to follow. The "kilt" in the picture should really be called a feileadh bhreacain, or belted plaid. It's about 7 yards of double-width (60") tartan pleated on the ground then belted on. The "QandDGK" shows you how to do it. (Pet peeve: Six feet of plaid thirty inches wide does not a kilt make!)

Other files available here include my instructions on how to make Japanese Chain Armor, Laird Connor MacStuart's "Blue-Eyed Irishman," and the Ship's Articles of the Free Trader Dream Chaser.

If you're interested in storytelling, I cannot recommend better than to find True Thomas, also known as Robert Seutter, storyteller extraordinaire. As the founder of the Los Angeles DreamShapers, he's got a lot to tell you about telling. See his Five Miracles of Storytelling!

 Picture of silly person in a kilt

About the Spams

See the puppies!

Watch the PostalCam!

www.apple.com www.redhat.comwww.linux.org

A human being should be able to change a diaper,
plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building,
write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone,
comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone,
solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a
computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects.

--Robert A. Heinlein

Created 11/13/1994 - iain@iaincaradoc.org - Last updated 12/19/2023